takt op. Symphony’s end of service in hindsight

takt op. Symphony closed its services earlier this year. I’ll plug in my thoughts on the game, why I left, which may or may not be the same reasons that the game cannot go on.

First, I think a lot of the players got into the game because of takt op. Destiny anime. There, we had a trio of characters: the arrogant and sassy Takt, the deadpan but funny Destiny, and then we have the glue of the group, Anna. It makes for a fun chemistry.

However, in Symphony, Takt lost his memories. Instead of his sassy sharp-tongued anime counterpart, we get the same protagonist as every gacha game ever, the nice guy with common sense, period. That’s all to him. Takt’s sass is what made me enjoy the anime in the first place, (though sometimes I wished he toned it down) and with that gone, that kinda lessened the hype I had for the game. Takt still looked killer in the game though, not gonna lie.

Second, the gameplay. Personally, I am not a fan of turn-based combat, no matter how elegantly designed the system may be. I do love the characters’ ultimate animations and music, but I just don’t enjoy this kind of gameplay in general (actually I am quite frustrated because I absolutely adore Reverse 1999 but I just can’t keep playing lol). There are other systems like the expeditions or the puzzles, but I don’t enjoy them so much. I think they’re more like a chore than actually play a game. I also didn’t like the top-down exploration system. The game still has a lot of other extra minigames but they’re kinda meh to me. It just doesn’t feel like there’s much to do when there’s actually a lot to do. At that point about a few weeks into the game, I had a hunch that this game wouldn’t last long. Though I was expecting at least a 1.5 anniversary or something, but the game closed in less than one year.

Third, and this is my own thing but I never got any of the characters I tried to pull for. I tried to pull Walkure, nope didn’t get her, I saved and pulled for Cosette, nope didn’t get her either, and that was the moment I decided that I’m done with this game. Walkure was the one carrying the game’s story for me, and Cosette was what I looked forward to in the game version. Even though I also like Twinkle Star a lot, there really wasn’t any reason for me to stay.

Now let’s talk about the strengths of this game.

LAM and marasy. This game runs on LAM and marasy.

On a more serious note, the aesthetics of this game is just stunning. The visual novel sections, the animated sprites, the anime cutscenes, and my oh my takt op. Symphony’s character upgrade screens are the best I’ve seen in all gacha gaming I’ve done, combining LAM’s gorgeous illustrations with marasy’s piano arrangements? Sold. I love the summon animation with the piano, being a pianist myself I had a lot of fun with summoning rituals using the character’s songs (that never works lol). The Live2D in this game, holy shmoly, being a newbie rigger I just marvel at the sheer smoothness of the animation and just how much details they put in. Phenomenal art and soundtrack in general. Which is why I wonder why they felt the need to make the 3D system that kinda made the game’s aesthetics go all over the place (plus taking up resources). It’s such a shame though that the game closed down and we get to see them no more.

I think we all saw the EOS coming when the player base dwindled. I really appreciate the community’s activeness and how much the game promoted to SEA players like me, but heck I can’t just keep playing because you have good social media admin bro. If the game is stale, I don’t think having the best admin will bring players back.

All in all though I didn’t enjoy the game as much, I’m still kinda sad to see it go. It’s got the potential, the fanbase, and for once I found a gacha game with good social media admins, but still the final deciding factor is the game itself. And as painful as it is to say, this game… missed the mark.

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