Amnesia Memories: Ikki Memories

80.pngThis extra part covers what Ikki told the heroine about their relationship after she confesses that she has amnesia.

There isn’t much going on. Ikki just goes off about how cute the heroine is and what he might’ve done for her if she had told him earlier. Ikki teaches the heroine how to put sugar in a cup of tea and draw a little heart in it as a finishing touch (I can’t seem to imagine drawing a heart in a teacup…) Because she’s so cute he just wants to spoil her because he caused so much trouble during the game and confesses his weaknesses. In hopes to win over her heart, he wishes to do everything to be with her forever. The End.

Well, that was short and sweet. Pretty much a summary of what Ikki already said in the game plus some cute moments of sugaring tea. Before going on to Kent’s route, I’ll try to beat all five people at the minigames and become as gods become the queen of minigames.

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