Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger Ep. 2 Review – Deprived Talent

They should call this episode “Agatha the Knife Leg” instead.

tenrou ep 2-1.png

In this episode: Yuliy grows tomatoes, girl watches father get brutally murdered, lady watches her crush commit murder, knife leg gets penetrated, and ONII-CHAN IS THAT YOU?

What is even going on in this anime? There’s a bunch of vampires hunting people, a bunch of people hunting vampires, a bunch of people hunting a bunch of people hunting vampires, and a bunch of people who’re running around murdering people for some reason. Too many things. But it’s interesting.

The opening theme is so artistic. I love how the letters look like constellations before morphing into the staff’s names. Oh, and that black silhouette on bright colors. Just amazing.

Yuliy is still badass as heck. The chemistry between him and Philip is interesting. Hey, maybe these two will become besties one day. Who knows.

It is a relief that the little girl Saki did not turn into Nina #2. When I see that lab and the artificial heart I’m like NOPE SIRIUS DON’T and thankfully nothing of that sort happened. Instead there is this touching scene where daddy says ‘now I can spend all my time with you’ before being gruesomely murdered that same afternoon.

tenrou ep 2-2.png

I want to praise Sirius for making the vampires seem really evil so we sympathize with Yuliy. Some stories don’t make their villains evil enough (ex. evil overlord who must be killed because he tortures puppies or something), and that makes for shallow characters both on the protagonist and antagonist side. The protagonist will have an unclear motive to defeat the villain, and the villain will be weak. The more horrible the villains, the more the audience wants the protagonist to win, and that’s a great drive for them to continue watching/reading the story. To see the bad guys get what they deserve.

Sirius is building that up in this episode, and probably will continue to do so in the next. I shall wait until I’ve seen at least six episode to conclude how good this anime is, though.

…But so far it’s the most exciting thing I’ve seen this year.


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