The Frostrune Review

Viking Myth + Amazing Art + Atmospheric Sound = best puzzle game ever

Frostrune is terribly underrated. It’s one of the most memorable games I’ve played, plus it’s free on mobile devices.

You washed up on an island where everyone is dead. Your job is to cooperate with dead people and spirits to save the world from doom.


The puzzles are not very difficult and involves a bit of memorizing, so it’s a good idea to have a memo pad at hand. Sometimes, it’s not obvious what you have to do.


Very nice, art is super detailed, although that in itself makes some stuff a bit hard to see. The overall style of the game is very well-controlled and it’s got a great atmosphere.


Memorable. Frostrune has such a simple yet cool story, and the art and gameplay brings it all together.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game. That’s it. Nothing else to add.

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