Food Fantasy – Umm, this game is dead, isn’t it?

Note: This is a rant post.

Food Fantasy - Apps on Google Play

I loved Food Fantasy when I first downloaded it. Finally, a game where the female characters didn’t secretly have a crush on me, and a restaurant management game that wasn’t so serious that I have to check in every 3 hours.

And after playing it for 4-5 months, I’m starting to see things that I wished I didn’t see. Seasonal decorations on the main screen that haven’t been changed since god knows when. The game repeatedly trying to make you pay. (Like, one of the events is pointless if you don’t unlock the paid package) Glitches that haven’t been fixed since the game launched, like, 2 years ago. No relevant updates, no interaction with players, dead guilds, dead guildmates… it all made me wonder if it’s really worth my time to keep playing.

I love the game’s system and its adorable characters. Both male and female characters are likeable, and each of them have their own stories. (But some of the stories haven’t been added to game yet?) Even enemy characters have cute background stories once you unlock them. You can even get married to Food Souls. It’s really fun to discover… but it gets tedious after a while.

Food Fantasy: New Journey just came along and it seems the devs don’t care about this version of the game anymore. One time, they made a mistake and didn’t change the banner for new events, and it wasn’t noticed until the next day, which got many players confused. They also stopped announcing new events. Like, if they can’t bother with the game, why should I?

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